Monday, October 27, 2008


Starting in November I will be disolving this blog and starting a new blog for the Nathan Dobbins family. I will post the new address when I have one. Have a great rest of the month and the next time you hear from me I will be Mrs. Amanda I. Dobbins. Yippee!

Monday, October 20, 2008

October Quote

"Have ye not read, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder" - Jesus Christ, our Savior and Examplar-

Monday, October 13, 2008

Counting down the days

I'm not exactly sure I know what to write today. My life has been in a whirlwind motion since my engagement. I have gotten a lot of things done, but there is still a lot left to do. I can't believe I'm getting married this month, yet I want the date to come sooner. No man has ever treated me with so much love and respect than Nathan. No man has impressed me more with his knowledge and desire to do what is right than Nathan. He is ambitious and works hard for the things that he needs and wants. I have never met anyone that I wanted to be with more than Nathan. It's fun being with him, for example, we start singing random songs or we make up our own. He even plays my stupid road trip games. I love him so much. But the most exciting part about Nathan is that we are making goals, not only do we say "Hey we should do this someday." We write it down and set plans and deadlines and then we think of other things that we can do, not just to improve our lives but the lives of others. At lunch today we looked online and found several websites about service opportunities we can do in different countries. We found 2 that we liked and now we are going to pray about which one we should choose and then prepare ourselves in 2 years to go to one of these countries and do service. My life is good.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

October Photo

In my parents front yard, there is a plant that attracts butterflies. Despite the fact that they are killing the plant, I have enjoyed watching all the butterflies flying around. This is the image I caught of a butterfly that landed on a stump that the plant surrounded. I love the elongated shadow of the butterfly and the vibrancy of color against the brown and green.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Picture Day!

Well, I promised some of you that I would post more pictures, here is one of the pictures we are going to use for the invitations. I found out a few things about Nathan while taking these pics. 1. When a count down is made to take the picture Nathan loses the smile by the time the photographer gets to the photographer stopped counting and we ended up with great pictures. 2. Nathan hates getting his picture taken. Poor guy really had a wake up call when I was so excited about pictures and he just went along for the ride. He is going to have to get used to me always having a camera. and 3. He doesn't like motorcycles!!!! On our first date I talked about how much I loved them and he didn't say anything about not liking them. He said that he didn't like them during this photo. I guess I will have to look over that flaw.

My brother Paul took the pictures and I'm so thankful for his willingness to do them.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Story

I met Nathan at a YSA campout. The evening we got back from the campout we were at Brittany Merrills house playing games. When I left the party and walked across the street to my home, I heard someone call out me name and when I turned around Nathan was running after me. He asked me for my phone number and called me the next day. We went on our first date Tuesday, August 26th. For the next month we spent nearly every day together and talked over the phone on the days we didn't see each other.

He proposed on September 18th (The same day my brother Ben had his first child Braxton Benjamin Quist). He proposed in Winslow, AZ where he grew up. We were watching the sunset, on the tail gate of his totally awesome truck, when he jumped up and said "I have something for you!" I had no idea what was going on. He came around the side of his truck with a little box. He opened it up and there was a ring inside! Then he ask "Amanda, will you marry me?" I was so stunned that all I could do was say, "Are you serious?!" and laugh. I was laughing so much. Then I remembered something my dad told me about a 1 1/2 years ago and that is, when I meet the man I'm suppose to be with there won't be any confusion. I thought about that while I was still laughing at him and there wasn't any confusion. There has never been a doubt in my mind about him.

So I said yes, jumped off the tail gate, kissed him (our first kiss), and we are getting married on October 29th, 2008 and the reception will be November 15th. People ask me if I'm nervous...I'm not nervous, I just get very excited about the marriage and sometimes forget to breath. And sometimes I get so happy that I just start laughing. Life is good.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Great News

I am Engaged!!!!
I am marrying Nathan Dobbins!